
Stuck? Just ask for help!

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  • A place to ask for general support

    720 Topics
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    when i click to run the launcher, it dosent start, but it started in the past, idk what i did wrong?? I tried to uninstall liquid launcher/bounce, i have the latest ver of java, plz help me plz?

  • A place to ask for help on writing scripts

    296 Topics
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    It doesn't seem to like mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed works, weird.

  • 336 Topics
    2k Posts

    Hello I have done all the steps to installing liquid:
    Clone the repository using git clone --recurse-submodules
    CD into the local repository.
    Run ./gradlew genSources.
    Open the folder as a Gradle project in your preferred IDE.

    I import the project in Eclipse with Gradle and it sets up, after it is done I see that all the classes in /src/main/java
    have an error of imports (example: The import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.exploit.ModuleGhostHand cannot be resolved).

    Im using java 20.0.2, gradle 8.6 and eclipse 2023-12

    How can I fix this? Ive tried reinstalling 3 times already...
    If i understand correctly, the java classes are not finding the kotlin classes??